React Libraries

React Libraries

Congrats! You’ve just gone through the React documentation and are now ready to move past the simple To-Do example. Since you’ll be working on exciting rich single page applications, you should consider the following toolkit that will solve recurring issues and keep your focus on your product.

  • react-virtualized: Virtualized lists and tables.
  • react-virtualized-select: A virtualized select dropdown.
  • react-linkify: parse links, emails… in text and turns them into clickable links.
  • react-debounce-input: It’s a good idea to debounce onChange for text fields because you almost never need to waste cycles reacting to every user key stroke.
  • react-document-title: A declarative way to specify document.title in a single-page app.
  • react-dotdotdot: Cross Browser multiline text ellipsis to help manage dynamic content.
  • numeral: A great library for formatting and manipulating numbers.
  • axios: Promise based HTTP client for the browser.
  • immutable: Immutable persistent data collections for Javascript which increase efficiency and simplicity.


  • A list is Virtualized (windowed) when only visible rows are rendered.
  • Make sure you download React Developper Tools. You can use it to inspect and interact with your components in the browser.

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